Once what was all hills and mountains gave birth to a New valley molded by a moat. It formed a habitat of many organism, flourishing flora and fauna, nature took no delay to make captivate the space. It’s Surrounded by hills all around the plateau and it protects the valley from bitter cold wind. 
The  ethnicity is it’s character and the beauty it’s soul. The indigenous people of Manipur has been nurtured under the same bosom, same abode, same history. 

The patterns of the “Tankhul phee” and “ Chandan thinba”( can refer to tilak) signifies the long term relationship it has had through the Eras among the indigenous people of the state. With its development the innocence of all culture may die but what’s rooted takes long to upturn. 
Creation of an imagination inspired by culture, a stream of consciousness. 

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